How can we help you?
The Center for Residential Epilepsy Care in Kempenhaeghe offers specialized care for children and adults with multiple disabilities and a complex type of epilepsy. This care is financed by law (Wet langdurige zorg Wlz).
To be eligible for this care an indication of the Centrum Indicatiestelling Zorg (CIZ) is required. The CIZ does not provide care, but checks whether you or your family member is legally eligible for care, and in particular for specialized epilepsy care. The CIZ indication is based on a allocated care profile or a personal budget (pgb).

How do I request an indication?
Candidate clients for the Center for Residential Epilepsy Care are often already being treated at the Academic Center for Epileptology Kempenhaeghe. Staff at the advice & information counter of our Social Work department can help you when requesting an CIZ indication. The MEE NL organization (Dutch only) can also help you with this. MEE NL has multiple locations throughout the Netherlands.
After the indication has been awarded you must contact the care service desk of the Center for Residential Epilepsy Care. We will discuss with you which one of our five types of residence and/or daytime activities best fit the client. We always take your personal wishes and those of the client into account. In addition, the degree of epilepsy, treatment, prognosis and associated disorders also play a role in the selection. The candidate client might be placed on a waiting list. Placement depends on the turnover within the groups and the degree of urgency.
Who pays for this care?
The financing of the services of the Center for Residential Epilepsy Care is built up from the prevailing legal rates (Wet langdurige zorg) with some extra components. The specialized epilepsy surcharge (GEZ-toeslag) is the main addition. This surcharge is available in three categories (low-middle-high) and is intended to pay for the extra costs for specialized staff, (monitoring) equipment, materials and research.
Strict rules are applied when using the money. This means that costs for non-indicated care must be passed on. Rates for this are reviewed annually. When the rates turn out to be higher than the actual costs, restitution will take place. Residents or representatives determine which costs for whose services they will bear themselves. These could be costs for services from outside Kempenhaeghe. Personal costs include personal laundry, taking part in certain leisure activities, vacation and certain types of transportation. More information can be found in a special brochure on this subject.
Financial means for wellbeing are increasingly under pressure. Some residents can hardly afford hobbies or an outing. Team Levenslust generates the means for these activities.
Personal contribution: Who pays what? (in Dutch)

How is care provided?
The main care component of our Center for Residential Epilepsy Care is residential care. Ranging from very intensive in a very protected environment to residential care aimed at providing support. There are homes for children and for adults. Almost all of our residents attend daytime activities, school or leisure activities. Professionals are involved in the daily life of our residents, such as doctors for the mentally disabled, behavioral scientists and nurses. Every residential department has its own neurologist from the Academic Center for Epileptology. For medical questions, the expertise on epileptology, sleep medicine and neurocognition of the Kempenhaeghe hospital can be relied upon.
In addition to the complete package of residential care, treatment, daytime activities and leisure activities other types of residing are also possible. For instance, residential care without daytime activities, of just daytime activities. Or sleeping over, extramural treatment or a care package at home. Such options can be financed through care in kind or a personal budget. You can discuss this with our care service bureau.
How do we agree on care?
The Center for Residential Epilepsy Care offers tailor-made care. Together we will agree on the care we supply. All individual agreements are recorded. We distinguish between two documents: the care and service agreement and the care plan. For both documents we require and value your input.

How can you contribute to our care?
We value the opinion and input of our residents and their parents and/or legal addition to participating in the personal care plan, there is also an opportunity to share your thoughts on policy and practical subjects on an organizational level.
Four members represent the residents and parents of the Center for Residential Epilepsy Care in Kempenhaeghe’s Client Advisory Board. This Board offers advice, both on request and at its own initiative. Rights and obligations are legally embodied.
The Residents Council is made of the residents themselves. The Council meets six times per year and is made up of everyone who is present at that time. Members submit the subjects, often subjects that are close to the world they experience. A member of the Client Advisory Board is always present.
How does Kempenhaeghe warrant your privacy?
We register personal information (for instance name and address) and medical information (concerning your condition) of our residents in a personal electronic patient file.
It goes without saying that this information is secured according to Dutch legislation.