Sharing know-how to grow together
Kempenhaeghe has valuable know-how of and experience with epilepsy, sleeping disorders and neurological learning and development disorders. Via scientific research, innovation, and on the basis of daily practice we continuously expand our expertise. New developments continue to take place that broaden and deepen our focus on the disorders of our patients.
We consider it evident to share our expertise with professionals and patients. By exchanging thoughts, sharing insights and contributing know-how, we grow together in our continuous quest for further improvement of diagnostics and treatment of our patients. This is important for the ever-large group of people with hard to treat disorders. Our challenge is to offer them a perspective.
From the social point of health care costs, it is important to convey know-how and enter into cooperations. That is why our professors, practitioners and researchers give presentations at congresses and has a number of them positions in educational institutes for future care professionals. We regularly organize symposiums and educational programs.

Several times a year Kempenhaeghe organizes in-house symposiums. Our professionals share their know-how and we often invite speakers from our clinical and educational partners, as well as experts and scientists from the Netherlands and abroad.
We organize large and small events, some of which have a permanent place on out agenda. We also regularly support events from professional associations.
Most of our symposiums are accredited by professional associations. You wil find more information on our symposia on
Epilepsy Study House
Kempenhaeghe and SEIN often work together in the transfer of knowledge and in research. The Epilepsy Study House is one of the joint activities of Kempenhaeghe and SEIN. The Epilepsy Study House primarily focuses on sharing know-how with external professionals in the long-term care (Wlz) in order to improve the quality of care and life of (their) clients with epilepsy.
The Epilepsy Study House offers a fixed program and tailormade programs in the (refresher) training in the field of epilepsy care and support. Target groups are professionals at senior secondary vocational and higher professional training levels who work in with intellectually disabled people.
A number of our doctors and other practitioners are teachers at educational institutes from and for third parties. In addition, Kempenhaeghe also offers training for external professionals.
Of course, the training focuses on our areas of expertise epilepsy, sleeping disorders or neurological learning and development disorders. Part of our courses is offered together with epilepsy center SEIN, via the Epilepsy Study House. Other training takes place in Kempenhaeghe, sometimes elsewhere when it concerns a tailored training. E-learning is also deployed.