How can you come to us?
For complex sleeping disorders the know-how of multiple specialists is often required to enable a good diagnosis (problem and cause) and treatment. The Center for Sleeping Medicine has all the medical specializations in-house. Your medical specialist or family doctor can refer you to us.
A referral is applicable when uncertainty remains about the cause of your sleeping disorder or when the sleeping disorder cannot be controlled. Specific expertise might be required with regard to the treatment or a specialist approach because of a combination with other problems. The patient might need a specific approach – such as children or people with an intellectual disability – or extra know-how is required with regard to these specific groups.
You or your doctor must send the referral letter to Kempenhaeghe. We determine which one of our sleeping specialists best fits your question. You will then receive an invitation for a first consult, usually together with a questionnaire and a so-called sleep/wake calendar. Your appointment is in Heeze or Oosterhout.

When can you come to us?
Of course you want to be seen by us as soon as possible. We will do our utmost to realize this. After receipt of your referral letter, we will contact you to plan a date and time for the first consult.
Even though we try to prevent it, it is possible that we cannot schedule an appointment right away, because of the large number of patients. The number of adults and children with complaints of chronic sleeplessness has risen considerably in the past years. For this group of patients, the waiting times have increased. Together with other care providers we are looking for solutions to this problem. Each month Kempenhaeghe publishes and overview of the actual average waiting times.
Do you feel you have to wait too long for the care you need? Your health care provider might help. More information can be found here.
Is care by Kempenhaeghe compensated?
In principle, the care offered by Kempenhaeghe is part of the basic insurance package of the health insurance companies with whom we have agreements. Nonetheless we advise that you – before treatment starts - check with your health care provider if the treatment is reimbursed.
Depending on the conditions of your health care provider you may have to pay (part of) the treatment yourself. If you request this information by phone, always ask for a written confirmation. Also take into account your deductible. Possibly you may be asked to advance part of the costs, after which settlement with your health care provider takes place at a later time.

How does a visit to the outpatient clinic proceed?
In the Center for Sleep Medicine the best somnologists (sleep specialists) from various disciplines closely work together as a team to provide more clarity about your or your child’s disorder. When you come to Kempenhaeghe for a first consult, you will most likely visit our outpatient clinic.

How does hospitalization proceed?
When you need a sleep assessment, you will usually be hospitalized fort wo days (one night). Our patient centers in Heeze and Oosterhout have special departments for sleep assessments.
You will most likely be asked to arrive towards the end of the afternoon or in the early evening. Depending on the type of examination you will go to sleep once the measuring sensors have been attached, or you must stay awake for a while. During the assessment you are observed with cameras.

How can you prepare your child?
A good preparation starts at home with talking about your visit to Kempenhaeghe with your child. Keep your explanation as simple as possible. Together with your child, pack the things he/she needs to bring.
During hospitalization one parent/caretaker is allowed to be present. You can sleep in the child’s room. This enables you to provide (part of) the daily care of your child. You know your child best and are familiar with his/her reactions and behavior. We want to tune our care as much as possible to your child.
How does Kempenhaeghe warrant your privacy?
If you are a patient in Kempenhaeghe, we register your personal information (for instance name and address) and medical information (concerning your condition) in your personal electronic patient file. With this information we can help you.
It goes without saying that this information is secured according to Dutch legislation.